A woman’s body undergoes many changes throughout her lifespan and may present unique health care needs. Physical Therapy can be an integral part of women’s healthcare for a variety of medical conditions. The Women’s Health Program, at Allied Services Integrated Health System in Scranton, provides comprehensive rehab care to women throughout all stages of life. A team of physical therapists develops an individual program utilizing the latest technology. You can learn more about the conditions we treat below.
Millions of people are affected by urinary incontinence but are often too embarrassed to seek treatment. Urinary incontinence is a common problem but is not a normal part of aging or routine result of childbirth. There are different types of incontinence including the involuntary loss of urine with physical exertion, coughing or sneezing and/or the involuntary loss of urine with a strong desire to void.
While Kegel exercises and/or medications are common treatments of incontinence, Physical Therapy can supplement those treatments by teaching strategies to manage and control symptoms. Biofeedback training, exercises, relaxation techniques, and education regarding particular symptoms will allow for regained control of urination.
Fecal incontinence is another condition that can be addressed by the Physical Therapists at Allied Services Rehab. Fecal incontinence may result from weakened pelvic floor muscles caused by childbirth, aging, and chronic constipation. Using techniques similar to those mentioned above patients can learn to manage the symptoms of fecal incontinence.
At some point in their lives, most women experience pelvic pain. Pelvic pain is a general term used to describe debilitating discomfort in the pelvic region.
Common symptoms include:
Pelvic pain can occur at any time in life, causing significant emotional distress, and adversely affecting quality of life. Dysfunction and pain in the pelvis may have many origins including falls, car accidents or other traumas, childbirth, abdominal or pelvic surgeries, radiation, endometriosis or other diseases, and poor movement patterns or postures. The Women’s Health Program at Allied Services Rehab can help you manage your pelvic pain, return you to your normal activity, and improve your quality of life through hands-on manual therapy and exercise specifically designed for diagnosis affecting women.
Lymphedema is an excess of fluid that is caused by impairment of the lymphatic system. While there is no cure for lymphedema, it is a condition that can be managed. The Women’s Health Program at Allied Services Rehab can help to reverse the effects of the condition and avoid its progression. Physical and occupational therapists with specialized training in lymphedema management use lymphatic massage, compression bandaging, and resistive and aerobic exercise to manage symptoms. These are combined with a detailed home program that includes exercises and bandaging techniques. The program can help to restore affected limbs to their normal shape and size, improve appearance and function, lower risk of infection, and improve quality of life.
Osteoporosis is a disease that reduces bone strength. It can lead to height loss, back, rib, and abdominal pain, and respiratory problems. Osteoporosis can also lead to a fracture, typically wrist, spine or hip. These fractures can produce serious disability. While osteoporosis affects millions of women, the progression of the disease can be addressed.
Once diagnosed, osteoporosis can be addressed. While pharmaceuticals are primarily used to treat the disease, Physical Therapy can play a key role in supplementing drug treatments. By improving posture, strength, range of motion, balance, and ability to walk, physical therapists can alleviate some of the postural and painful symptoms associated with osteoporosis.
Changes occurring to a woman’s body during the childbearing ears challenge the stability and mobility of a woman’s physical structure. The changes may create pain and dysfunctions in the joints and muscles throughout the body, including the back, pelvis, trunk and rib cage. Vaginal births may cause pelvic floor injuries leading to pain and incontinence.
Cesarean births also can cause painful musculoskeletal conditions because of weakened abdominal muscles and scarring. The Women’s Health Program at Allied Services Rehab can address these issues in a sensitive manner with an individualized program to help women transition through the childbearing year and prepare for the physical demands of raising a child.
Computer-Assisted Pelvic Floor Strengthening
Kegel exercises can be much more efficient with added resistance. A computer-assisted pelvic floor strengthening device can add progressive dynamic resistance, strengthening and toning these muscles more effectively than one would be able to on their own.
Electrical Stimulation
Electrical stimulation is used in the treatment of urinary incontinence. It works by sending subtle electrical currents to nerves in the lower back and pelvic muscles that are involved in urination.
Patient Education
An expert in women’s health at Allied Services will educate the patient in exercises and precautions on managing their condition in-between and post-therapy.
Patients need a prescription from their doctor in order to enroll in the women’s health program at Allied Services Rehab. Insurance coverage for this program is provided by most health insurance policies.
For specific questions on how to obtain a referral, please call 570-826-3900 (Wilkes-Barre) or 570-348-1360 (Scranton). Contact us to learn more or start your referral process today.