Filomena C., Ed.D
- Author: Filomena C.
- Date Submitted: Jan 28, 2019

In total, Filomena C., Ed. D has undergone five surgeries on her back for the placement of screws and rods. Three of the five surgeries even failed. As part of her recovery from her most recent back surgery, she was told by her doctor she would need extensive physical therapy again, which she was not thrilled about.
Prior to her first session, she was hesitant. Filomena’s previous experiences with physical therapy left her skeptical. “I went to three other facilities for physical therapy following my three surgeries and had nothing to show for it but a large bill. I had not progressed and was still in pain.”
She says she would be left alone to do certain exercises, and not corrected when she did them wrong. The physical therapists told her “We don’t even know what to do with you, you have so many restrictions.” Filomena admits that she almost did not go to physical therapy again, but BAYADA Home Health Care recommended Allied Services.
“The fact that I stayed at Heinz Rehab Center for a year is a testament to the quality of the program and the professionalism of the staff.”When Filomena began her outpatient physical therapy at the Heinz Rehab Center, she required a wheelchair to get around, and had to rely on her husband to care for her. The only times she left her home were for doctors’ appointments and her physical therapy sessions.
Now, a year after beginning physical therapy, Filomena is able to walk with a cane for short distances, drive herself to physical therapy sessions without her husband, pick up a few things from the store with the assistance of a shopping cart, and even enjoy a nice meal out with friends.
Filomena still has more rehabilitation to do, which she plans to complete in home by engaging in specific exercises she was given by her physical therapist to maintain her strength. Her goal is to one day walk without a cane.“I know the mountain ahead of me is high, but I can see its peak. When I look down at how much I have climbed, it is unfathomable.”