When you include Allied Services Foundation as part of your legacy, your generosity lives on to improve the lives of children and adults in Northeastern and Central Pennsylvania.
Thank you for ensuring Allied Services Foundation can continue to serve those in need, now and for future generations to come.
To explore planned giving, please complete this quick contact form or contact us at 570.348.1347.
Please consult your accountant, attorney or financial advisor for the tax benefits that are most appropriate and beneficial in your legacy.
When you leave a gift to Allied Services Foundation through your will, trust or other planned giving channel, you build hope and a lasting legacy for future patients at Allied Services. Your gift costs nothing today and allows you to make an incredible impact far into the future.
Here are some asset types you can use to make a current or future gift to Allied Services Foundation.
Donor-Advised Fund: A donor-advised fund (DAF) can be used to give now, give later or both. A DAF succession plan engages family members within the philanthropic goals set by the donor. Learn more here.
Bequest by Will or Living Trust: Naming a charity in your will or living trust enables you to support your community and retain complete control over the assets during your lifetime while earning a full charitable deduction on estate taxes. This type of gift – called a charitable bequest – can be a specific dollar amount, a percentage or all of your estate, or what remains after other bequests are made.
Charitable Gift Annuity: A Charitable Annuity is essentially a contract between you and a charity of your choosing that involves transferring cash or property to the charity in exchange for a partial tax deduction and a lifetime stream of annual income.
Charitable Remainder Trust: A Charitable Remainder Trust is a qualified trust that pays income to beneficiaries. After all income payments have been completed, the remainder is distributed to qualified charities. With this trust you’re able to bypass capital gains tax, increasing income, and receiving a charitable income tax deduction.
Charitable Lead Trust: Through a Charitable Lead Trust, you and your legal or financial advisor select assets to fund a lead trust: the charity receives a fixed annual payout from the trust, and the remainder goes to your beneficiaries at the end of the charity’s payout term.
Charitable Endowment: With a Charitable Endowment, you can leave property or money in an endowment so that the charity does not spend the principal. Instead, the nonprofit grants the endowment income per your instructions.
Life Insurance: Gifting a life insurance policy allows you to make a significant legacy gift to the nonprofit community with tax benefits that you can enjoy during your lifetime. Through a relatively small annual cost of the premium, you can give a gift to your favorite charity that is larger than otherwise would be possible.
IRA, 401(k) or Other Retirement Assets: A retirement plan can be a tax-efficient and simple way of including your favorite charity in your estate plan. A charity that is named as the beneficiary does not pay income or estate taxes on the distribution.
Custom Estate Plan for Business, Investments or Special Needs Child: If you own a family business, substantial real estate holdings or a large estate, then a custom plan that considers your special property goals can be created. A custom plan option is also useful if you have a child with special needs. A child with special needs may be provided for through a “special needs trust.”
Questions? Contact us at 570.348.1347 or jbrogn@allied-services.org
Please consult your accountant, attorney or financial advisor for the tax benefits that are most appropriate and beneficial in your legacy.